ABC Recycling opened its doors in North Platte in June, 2014, to provide a one-source solution for the recovery of recyclable materials generated by business, commercial and agricultural operations. This company services Western Nebraska, with outreach in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and Kansas.
Area Municipalities
Commercial and Manufacturing businesses
Farm and Ranch operations
Construction companies
Educational and Medical facility operations
Distribution centers
Transportation industries
Gas, Oil, Energy and Railroad industries
All other businesses that create recyclable waste
Plastic pesticide containers made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) only. HDPE containers are marked with the plastic resin code #2.
Pesticide, crop oil, adjuvant, and surfactant containers (1.0 or 2.5 gallons)
Crop protection chemical drums (15, 30, 55 gallons)
Crop oil, adjuvant, and surfactant drums
Stained, but clean, containers/drums
NOT Accepted
Un-rinsed containers/drums
Crushed containers/drums
Containers that held products (including pesticides) labeled for consumer use in households, lawns and gardens, and swimming pools
Mini-bulk bins, intermediate bulk containers (IBC), saddle tanks, and nurse tanks
Containers/drums with external pesticide residue that can be rubbed off by a protectively-gloved hand
1.0- and 2.5-Gallon Container Requirements
Remove label booklets, plastic shrink-wrap labels, and caps; dispose of as solid waste. Be sure to rinse caps before disposing of them
A single layer of glued-on paper labels may remain on the container
Bags of containers must be stored to avoid exposure to the elements
Do not bale or crush containers
15-, 30-, and 55-Gallon Drum Requirements
Do not cut drums open
Drums can be stored outside, but should be stacked on their sides to prevent rain from entering the bung hole
Drums are collected at the end of the season
*Electronics collection has a small fee