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One World Center Clothes Collection

26471 Northline Commerce Drive #902, Taylor, MI 48180, USA

One World Center is a Michigan non-profit organization with a mission to inspire and empower ordinary people to take action against worldwide poverty. We have 600 blue clothing collection bins, collecting textiles, shoes and clothing all over the state of Michigan. When you donate your clothes and shoes with us, you help fund One World Center programs that include training and sending volunteers to work at sustainable development projects in Central America and Southern Africa. Our clothing collection bins are found at private businesses, recycling centers and schools. For a bin near you please use the recycling directory or call 313 443 9786 All donations are tax deductible. The clothes and shoes are collected by our drivers and brought to our warehouse in Taylor, MI. From there, they are bailed and packed and sent overseas to markets that really need these recovered resources like e.g. Nicaragua and Tunisia among other places.

materials accepted



  • What can I donate/reuse in the blue clothing collection bins?

    You can drop off clothes, shoes, toys, textiles like curtains and sheets. If possible drop you reused items bagged up -this will protect the donations.

  • What can I NOT donate/reuse in the blue clothing collection bins?

    Please do NOT drop off mattresses, TV's, appliances and furniture. We simply cannot use it

  • What happens to the used clothes and shoes

    The clothes and shoes and other items are picked up by our drivers on a weekly basis. At our warehouse in Taylor, MI they are packed and shipped out overseas.

  • Can I get a tax receipt for what I drop off in the bins?

    YES. One World Center is a Federally recognized non-profit organization 501 (c) (3). Our non profit #er is 38-3379778 You can call for a tax receipt and we will e-mail or mail one out to you.

  • How much are you diverting from Michigan landfills?

    Last year, 2016 we diverted 1,857,481 pounds of usable textiles from landfills! Over the 10 years we have been around -we have diverted over 11 million pounds so far.

  • Why should I recycle and reuse clothes and shoes?

    Over 70% of the worlds population depend on good quality clothes from Europe and North America. There is a real need and a win-win situation in you disposing of your unwanted textiles and someone getting access to quality affordable clothes and shoes.

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