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Sunfield Recycling Center

Drop Off Location

126 1st Street, Sunfield, MI 48890, USA

The Sunfield Recycling Center is operated by the Eaton County Department of Resource Recovery. The center is open to all Eaton County residents and the surrounding areas outside the county.

materials accepted

  • Remove caps/lids and put in trash
  • Rinse or wipe clean all food or other residue from bottles & containers
  • Separate non plastic (e.g. paper or metal) attachments from plastic products
  • No Bags, Wrap or Film Plastic
  • No Black Plastic
  • No Blister Pack
  • No Buckets
  • No Caps
  • No Electronics/Appliances
  • No Flower Pots
  • No Foam Blocks/Shapes
  • No Foam Peanuts
  • No Food Contaminated Containers
  • No Frozen Food Bags
  • No Hazardous Product Containers
  • No Lids
  • No Motor Oil Bottles/Containers
  • No Plastic marked PS (6)
  • No Plastic marked PVC (3)
  • No Pouches
  • No Straws
  • No Thin Foamed Product Wrap/Sheets
  • No Toys
  • No Toys with Metal or Electronics


Member of the following program(s):

  • Michigan Recycling Directory

    The Michigan Recycling Directory provides a platform for residents to find recycling locations near them, and recycling organizations that accept residential materials to promote their services.

    View Profile


  • Do my materials need to be separated when I bring them to the center? And if so, why?

    Yes, all materials that come into the Sunfield Recycling Center need to be separated. This is because the material collected at the site is sold directly to material buyers, rather than sent to a material recovery/processing facility where they sort and separate materials.

  • Do I need to do anything to my materials before bringing them to the Sunfield Recycling Center for recycling?

    Yes, you need to do four things to your materials before bringing them to recycle at the center: ​ -Make sure the materials are clean - For example, plastic bottles, cans, and other containers that contained food need to be rinsed out so that food residue does not remain on the items. ​ -Separate your materials by individual type - For example, magazines (as a paper product) not only need to be separated from plastics but also need to be separate from other paper types. -Remove the caps/lids from plastic bottles - For example, laundry detergent caps need to be removed from the bottle in order for them to be brought to the center. -Remove items from bags or external packaging. For example, you will need to remove your materials from plastic bags, disposable plastic baggies, and/or remove the cellophane wrapping on the materials.

  • Why can't I recycle plastics other than #1 and #2? Why do some recycle centers take certain materials that other recycle centers won't? ​​

    There are a variety of reasons why materials are/are not accepted at different recycling centers. Three of the major reasons: -Location of the center - ​it can be expensive to ship materials to material buyers or there might not be a material buyer close enough to offer material transportation -Material market values - the value (or lack of value) of materials depends on the market which is dynamic and frequently changes -Storage regulations and safety requirements - While some less common materials are recyclable, such as CFL light bulbs or mercury containing thermometers/thermostats) they have special handling or transportation requirements that a specific center may not be able to accommodate.

  • I have a question about a specific item I want to recycle and/or I don't see my specific question on the above list, who can I ask?

    You can ask the recycling center staff on site. They are happy to help provide guidance! You can also ask Eaton County's Department of Resource Recovery - their contact information is listed in the contact section of this page.

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